31 days of horror: the world’s end

It’s October which means it’s time to resurrect this blog to explore the horror genre in all its complexities.

Today’s offering is the world’s end, this is the last entry of Edgar Wright’s cornetto trilogy. I’m not covering Hot Fuzz, the middle child, as it whilst being a genre film has the least to do with the horror genre. The world’s end features its cast of characters going on a pub crawl in their hometown only to find that the town has changed.

As always Simon Pegg and Nick Frost’s chemistry is impeccable, although they are almost playing an inverse of their character types from Shaun of the dead. It makes a very good companion piece to Shaun of the dead as it seems to be a reflection and meditation on the Shaun of the dead since the stars have matured and changed but it makes the same beats as Shaun of the dead.

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