31 days of horror: Shaun of the dead

It’s October which means it’s time to resurrect this blog to explore the horror genre and all the sub-genres residing in it.

Today’s offering is Shaun of the dead, the first part in Edgar Wright’s cornetto trilogy, being the film to represent the strawberry flavour as this film is a bloody as it can be. As a horror comedy, it is a great dip into the horror genre for those who are unsure about the genre or to indoctrinate your children into being horror fanatics.

Shaun of the dead features stellar chemistry from its two leads, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, who play two men in their last twenties who haven’t quite got their lives together until the undead attack. The duo never fails to portray a convincing friendship. The film also features Edgar Wright’s signature tight direction combined with creative editing that gives all of his films a great flow and signature style.

In conclusion, if you haven’t seen Shaun of the dead, what are you doing! It’s a fun film that’s very well constructed and it’s full of visual gags and clever foreshadowing so you are bound to miss a few details the first time you watch. It’s comedic nature also means that it’s very accessible so you can probably get away with watching this with a few of your non-horror fan friends this Halloween

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