31 days of horror: the ranger

It’s October which means it’s time to resurrect this blog to explore the horror genre from modern classics to long forgotten b movies.

Today’s offering is the ranger. A 2018 film directed by Jenn Wexler, who is mainly a producer as the ranger is currently the only feature film to be directed by her, although she has directed a couple of shorts and an episode of television since.

The ranger pays homage to both the slashers and the punk scene of the 1980s. It follows a punk group that travels up into the woods to escape the police. However, they do not follow the rules and respect the environment. This attracts the attention of a murderous park ranger who picks them off one by one. The Ranger seeks to provide one thing, and that thing is good old fashioned gore. The film also adds some artistic flair throughout the film by having some bold lighting effects that also helps to heighten the punk feel.

In conclusion, the ranger is a fun watch that harkens back to the golden age of slashers. It is well worth your time.

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