31 days of horror: the cleansing hour

It’s October which means it’s time to resurrect this blog and explore all the horror genre has to offer. From the modern classics to retro b movies, this blog will cover all of them.

Today’s offering is the cleansing hour, which sees fake exorcists facing up against a very real demon. A group of LA creatives have managed to find a real money spinner in the form of live-streaming fake demonic possessions and selling ‘Vatican approved’ merch. Secrets are exposed and the demon turns up the heat on the wannabe exorcists.

Despite the interesting premise, the film falls short on both scares and story. The script is weak and full of stereotypes and cliches. In addition to this the characters are unlike able and some of their actions can be quite uncomfortable for the audience. But audiences waiting for cannon fodder to die will not find that need satisfied as most of the principle characters manage to survive to the film’s climax. Speaking of which the conclusion to the film is utterly laughable as the filmmakers make a poor attempt at scope.

In conclusion, the cleansing hour has an interesting premise but is ultimately a dud. It might be worth checking out if the premise is something that appeals to you but if not you won’t be missing much.

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