Idea for a short film- narrative twist

Narrative twist:

A character thinks they are dreaming, so they go around doing things they wouldn’t normally do, they aren’t dreaming.

Characters and their motivations: Jeff- Jeff is our main character who is so sleep deprived and over worked he suffers a mental breakdown and loses his grip on reality.

the boss- the boss is a flat character, he will be the stereotypical representation of the higher ups

Josephine- Jeff’s co-worker.

Locations: office, bedroom

We wanted to keep the locations simple however ideally we would shot in a office that has a slight blue tint.

Themes: Losing grip on reactions

Binary opposition: Reality vs. dreams/expectations vs. fantasy/ authority vs. oppressed.

Narrative structure:

Equilibrium: The character thinks that something is off with reality, clocks are wrong. He mentions to his co-worker that he is sleep deprived.

The middle: The character comes to the conclusion that they are dreaming, asks out his co-worker, and insults his boss

The end: The main character gets too ambitious with his feats jumps off the building, his body is shown crumpled in at the ground, reactions of the other characters.

1 minute: Introduction to main character, we see his relationship between his co-workers, sleep deprived comments.

2 minutes- Jeff realises something is wrong- he comes to the conclusion that he is dreaming,

2 minutes to 3 minutes- Jeff asks out Josephine

3- 4 minutes- Jeff grows in confidence, calling his boss out before resorting to insults.

4-5 minutes- Jeff’s behaviour becomes more strange and violent.

5 minutes: Character try to get him to calm down, he dies.

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