Short film analysis-The Gunfighter

The gunfighter, directed by Eric Kissack, is a subversion of the use- perhaps overuse- of voiceover in westerns.

Narrative Structure

  • What elements of film form that had the biggest impact in terms of meaning and response?

This short film would be nothing without its clever use of voiceover- subverting the typical use of voiceover as non-diegetic sound. In this film the voiceover is diegetic, which creates the conflict around which the film is centred on.

  • How was the narrative structured? Did this influence your response?

The narrative is structured in a traditional linear way. This influenced my response as I could easily follow the narrative, no thinking was required. This easy to interpret narrative allowed the comedy of the script to reach and be enjoyed.

  • What character types (i.e. hero/villain/protagonist/antagonist) are created?

The character types featured in westerns are present here- this is achieved through the costuming, the acting and the voiceover setting up character types. However, a lot of character types are set up and then subverted.

  • Does the narrative create any binary oppositions of interest?

The narrative sets up the binary opposition of the omniscient vs. the unwitting human, this also has shades of the powerful vs. the powerless. The typical western binary oppositions are present as well- the lone gunslinger vs. a group, ‘good’ vs. ‘evil’.

  • Who are the audience encouraged to identify with/dislike etc and how is thisachieved

The short film pretty much changes who the audiences identify with  throughout the film as characters are revealed to contain both good and bad parts- this continually shifting identification again creates comedy. The audience will predominately identify with the characters within the short film- as they express confusion and anger towards the voiceover- which is how most normal people would react if put in this situation.

  • Does the text follow the equilibrium/disruption or re-equilibrium plot points?

The short film follows the equilibrium/disruption and re-equilibrium plot points pretty closely. The short is set up like a traditional western, however the disruption is the presence of the narrator- who all of the characters can hear. The re-equilibrium is the aftermath of the massive gunfight that breaks out.

  • Is the narrative open/closed? What is the impact of this?

The narrative is closed- as most characters die at the end of the short film. This definitely closed narrative gives the audience satisfaction, as most traditional narratives do, the closed narrative also helps illustrate the omniscient nature of the narrator to the audience one last time.

  • Does the film follow a formula common for the genre or does it attempt tosubvert narrative formulas? What does this do to the audiences expectations

The short film deconstructs the use of voiceover in Westerns by having the characters be able to hear everything the narrator has said. This creates comedy as the audience’s expectations are completely flipped on their head.

  • Is the narrative linear or non-linear/multi-strand? How many differentstrands to the narrative are there and what is the impact of this?

The narrative is very much a traditional linear narrative- this allows the filmmakers to focus on their key idea of the narrator being diegetic sound. The narrative outside of this idea is typical melodrama.

  • Does the narrative set up any enigma codes within the narrative structure?What is the impact of this on the viewer?

The narrative does not set up any enigma codes, because of how the short film works with the narrator. However, part of the comedy relies on taking any tension out of the character’s exchanges by telling the characters and the audience what they are really thinking.





    Cinematic Influences

    Which elements of film form, if any, do you think might influence your own short film? Consider:

  • The main element from this short film that will influence my own short film is the use of deconstruction- taking a trope that is common to a certain genre and subverting it until the trope is completely broken down. I also like the short’s careful attention to detail in costuming and other elements of mise-en-scene.
  • Creating meaning and effect 

    How does the film create meaning for the audience and what effect is this meaning intended to have on them?

The gunfighter creates meaning for the audience through the use of dialogue and other diegetic sound and additionally the actor’s performances- which had to be convincing, as they were reacting to something (the narrator) that was not present during filming. This meaning is a comedic one with shades of nihilism- as ultimately the character’s actions and attempts to stop the violence were meaningless.

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